We celebrated Earth Day!

Posted on May 2, 2009 in Paper Bead Creations | 1 comment

I am so happy of the response we’ve had at the Earth Day Festival! Quite a few people picked up paper bead strands and were truly amazed at the jewelry you can make out of them.  Part of the proceeds of this event will go to school supplies of underprivileged children in the Philippines, school year will open in June which I remember was a rainy season. 

paper beads on display at Earth Day

paper beads on display at Earth Day

Weather in the Philippines is unpredictable, sunny one minute and rain fall the next.  It is quite a challenge sometimes to dry the paper beads.

Strand of paper beads hanging to dry

Strand of paper beads hanging to dry

The women and yes men who makes these paper beads have very good eye on how the print of the magazine pages or catalog would come out as finished bead.  They are truly amazing in their dedication to perfecting this craft.

Paper beads made in the Philippines

Paper beads made in the Philippines

A basketful of paper beads after they dry

A basketful of paper beads after they dry

For inspirations and ideas: http://janicemae.etsy.com

One Comment

  1. This is a wonderful inspirational post. I often write about different eco jewelry on my blog. Pearl