Here’s the tutorial on how to make cone shaped paper beads as promised 🙂 One might think that you cut the paper differently………it is cut exactly the same way as you would your regular triangle strip of paper. The trick is pushing the bottom part of the paper bead towards the center, as shown in this video! So, let’s get ready with your magazine pages, yard stick or a long straight edge wood (I used to measure with a plank of wood left over from a remodel I did in my dining room). You can use a heavier card stock paper like this used poster for example;
I did the measurements on the back of the poster; the base is 1/2 inch and the triangles will look like this before you cut them up:
Then you cut them up into strips, you can use scissors or exacto knife
And then you start rolling as shown here:
An then you let them dry on tooth picks and take pictures 🙂
And the fun part, making them into jewelry, that would have to be another day.
Hi Janice,
I was wondering….do you have a template that you use the draw your triangles on your paper? They look very perfect. I have a hard time keeping my sides straight due to cutting them free hand. Thanks Sher
I love the upcycling you are doing in this blog! I sell these types of bead kits, made from upcycled food boxes, pop boxes, and of course Guinness boxes too…they make the best black beads!
Great blog Janice, keep up the great work!
Hallo Janice
Thanks a lot for your demonstration. It’s very clear to me now. I really can’t wait to try to make beads like these.
They look so beautiful.
I wish you a lot of creative pleasure too.
Wow now that I see how simple it is to make the cone shape I’m going to have to try some myself. They look like they would make a nice bead cap. Thanks for the great tutorial!
Hallo Janice
Thanks a lot for your demonstration. It’s very clear to me now. I really can’t wait to try to make beads like these.
They look so beautiful.
I wish you a lot of creative pleasure too.
Like I said as a comment on your video, I always shape the bead while rolling. You can adjust the paper to go over just a little bit as you go along. This way you have much more control over the shape than if you push it after it’s already formed.