Art Journal Paper Bead Dangles

Posted on Nov 7, 2009 in Paper Bead Creations | 1 comment

Today, I would like to introduce you to two very creative, crafty people: Teesha Moore of and Hanna of  Ihanna’s Creative Space.  Hanna is a constant inspiration for me ever since I discovered her blog.  Today, she features Teesha Moore’s tutorial on how to make an Art Journal.  I make it a point to learn a new craft whenever I get the chance, or should I say; we should make it a point to learn a new craft.  Anyway, here’s my version of the Art Journal, I thought I should make that first step, make the journal first and worry about what to put in it later.


Teesha Moore definitely got me hooked on another craft, she guides you from creating the journal (water color paper), painting it (fun part) then filling it with collages and doodles (the other fun part).  I finished putting the journal together and decided to put paper bead dangles, because that’s just me, paper beads on everything.




Learned something new today?

One Comment

  1. Paper beads are so much fun, I love dangely things from the journal. I need more of those on my journals I think! Yours are beautiful! Thanks for the mention too! 🙂