Prayerful Beads #317

Posted on Jun 22, 2014 in 365 Paper Bead Creations | Comments Off on Prayerful Beads #317

I’d like to talk about beads that incorporate prayers into them.  I call these prayerful beads because they are not just any ordinary bead, there is a story behind this.  A prayer or a bible verse is written on cotton paper, layered on top of recycled magazine strip and rolled into a bead.  The simple act of rolling the bead and praying for someone you don’t know or reading the bible verse somehow connects you to that person.  The collective prayers releases forces that somehow joins our good intentions for another human being with God Almighty and in turn he will pour out His grace and blessings where it is needed.

photo 1

This Tasseled Prayerful Bracelet is auctioned on my Ebay store all of the profit goes to Charity that supports ending hunger, because nobody should go hungry!  There so much to love about the organic feel of this bracelet, but not only that, it represents 3 things that holds meanings:

Beads – means tears
Tassels – rays of hope
Fish is the symbol for Christianity

photo 2

I hope you enjoyed this post today, if you are a do it yourself(er) I can get you started with a paper bead making kit here.